I moved to Dubai in 2014 on the hunt for work as a graphic designer. Settling in to a great job at a company called Circus Creative I was in charge of all brand and marketing for Media One Hotel. After getting to know the managers of the hotel, they offered me a chance to host my first solo exhibition.

Ahlan Live featured the event in their online magazine which was met with critical acclaim;
"Most of his designs remain a mystery until you understand and begin to reveal the void underneath, as opposed to conventional painting, where the layer of paint that is used to build a picture into the original idea. Ellwood's work is intriguing and conspicuous because he does not focus on a single point of view, but instead make the eye roam and explore different aspects of the work."
"Dan Ellwood's work is a portrayal of a formless and critical adornment that adds elements like motifs, each one going beyond the traditional artistic narrative." said a regular traveler who stays at the business hotel in Dubai. I have seen many art exhibitions, in between my work schedule by many artists around the world, but Ellwood's work is unique and awakens the creative juices"